Drew Janszen

Welcome! My name is Drew. I am a senior at Purdue University pursuing a BFA in Industrial Design, and plan to graduate in May of 2024. Until then, I will enjoy learning and practicing fundamental design principles. I have had the honor of working on collaborative projects with industry leaders in design, such as Sonos, Cotopaxi, Garmin, Hasbro, Delta Faucets, and more.

Outside of classes, I am a member of Sigma Nu fraternity where I held the position of Personal Relations Chairman for 2 years. In this leadership role, I ran the social media pages and website, designed/ordered/handled all apparel, and headed a committee to assist me in my efforts. I am also President of the Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA) at Purdue University. As President, I lead the members of the organization in achieving extracurricular design excellence. In doing so, I organized development workshops, portfolio reviews, design shows, and an overall collaborative environment. I also spearheaded 2 of the Chapter’s first ever professionally-sponsored club projects that were used to further develop design thinking, teamwork, and other professional skills for the members.

My goal as of now is to secure a full-time opportunity for after my graduation. My focus is on consumer electronics, but I am also curious about automotive, UX/UI, furniture, and apparel design. My contact information is below for any design opportunities/inquiries that you believe I would be a good fit for.